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September 13, 2024
Jeff Hoyt

Will Zeolite Rob Minerals From Your Body?

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It seems that every month on social media there is a new boogeyman in the health world, whether its a vitamin, mineral, or a safe substance like zeolite. The caveat to it being safe is found in this podcast with Jeff Hoyt, owner of Zeolite Labs.

This is a "Best Of" show repost from earlier this year because I think its really important that this information gets out. I've never heard anyone else explain zeolite like he does, and go beyond theories with actual concrete proof of people detoxifying lead, mercury, and even aluminum, even though zeolite itself is made of aluminum.

He breaks down what makes powdered zeolite different from liquid and nano products, why clean zeolite powder is not a stressful detox for the body, how it swaps beneficial minerals inside of its cage for metals, why more is better, why he prefers "catch and release" to "push and catch" protocols, the other toxins that zeolite binds to besides heavy metals, how zeolite can help your allergies, how the original use case for zeolite was for hangovers, and more.

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