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March 14, 2025
Elizabeth Wells

How to Safely Perform a Liver Flush

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Candida overgrowth, chronic fatigue, anxiety, multiple chemical sensitivity and electrosensitivity were a few of Elizabeth Wells symptoms that led her to the liver flushing protocol.

She realized that the gut cannot heal without the liver involved so she began the practice of liver flushing which involves removing a few things from the diet, taking a stone softener, fasting for half of the day and then drinking epsom salt, olive oil and grapefruit and lemon juice.

In this episode she breaks down the details of timing and what to look out for. The reason why you would want to flush your liver is to remove old thickened bile, crystalized cholesterol, bile stones, liver flukes, and other undesirables. Even if you don’t plan on ever doing a liver flush, there are a lot of helpful and practical gems in this episode about how to support the health of your liver.

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