The environment that we live in has a huge impact on our health, both from a materials standpoint of what the home is made out of and even the shape of the structure itself. When I began studying nutrition over a decade ago I meditated quite a bit on the thought that we are always inside of boxes and maybe thats what keeps our ability to think critically constrained inside a metaphorical box.
I slept and meditated underneath pyramids for several years and more recently began growing plants and spending time inside a geodesic growing dome. I've noticed that plants grow effortlessly in there, abundant and massive, and my mind always feels more still when I'm gardening inside it.
A few years ago I came across Geoship, a startup company that uses a material that took 12 years to develop, a ceramic composite. There is no metal to corrode and no wood to rot or get eaten by bugs, so it is a structure that will last for hundreds of years. Having lived in cabins for the past 5 years, I can say that those structures are inferior and will eventually become obsolete.
Geoship domes are mold resistant, energy efficient (70% reduction in heating and cooling costs), have grounded floors, the walls release far infrared light, they can be built in a few weeks interior included, and best of all, they are affordable. Earlier this year I invested in this company to secure the first Geoship in Idaho that will go on top of my subterranean bunker. I am confident that this company will explode in popularity over the next few years.
Geoship website: www.geoship.is
My website: www.matt-blackburn.com
Mitolife products: www.mitolife.co
Music by George Henner: https://georgehenner.bandcamp.com