Matt Coffman

WHO AM I? I'm Matthew Coffman, a survivor of Lyme disease, mold illness, and heavy metal toxicity. My journey from the depths of these health challenges led me to not only survive, but instilled a burning passion towards optimal health. Having conquered the obstacles of Lyme disease and mold illness, I became a dedicated advocate for holistic healing. While exploring the realms of heavy metal detoxification, I uncovered the power of Mineral Nutritional Balancing for a comprehensive recovery. Today, I'm an advanced Kambo practitioner, drawing on the ancient wisdom of Amazonian frog medicine, and a skilled Mineral Balancing practitioner. Through my podcast I share insights and lessons learned, offering a beacon of hope for those navigating similar paths. Join me on this empowering journey from adversity to wellness, where I aim to inspire and guide others towards their own transformative healing.

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