Dr. Carolyn Dean
Dr. Carolyn Dean developed her diverse medical education by researching nutrients, homeopathy, and other alternative therapies almost 5 decades ago while studying to be an MD at Dalhousie Medical School, Halifax, Nova Scotia. After she graduated, Dr. Carolyn Dean began to integrate her application of alternative therapies alongside traditional allopathic medicine as she became one of the first functional medicine doctors in Canada. Her credentials included training as a certified dietician-nutritionist, naturopath, and Chinese Medicine herbalist and she used those modalities in her private practice and subsequent work in Canada, the United States, and in the international communities to which she traveled and served. In 2004, Dr. Dean continued her remarkable career when she became a best-selling author of her landmark thesis on magnesium supplementation, The Magnesium Miracle®. Published by Random House and revised in 2017, The Magnesium Miracle® has become the most highly referenced publications on magnesium by both health care practitioners and consumers alike providing insight and application in the role of magnesium in health and the remedy of magnesium deficiency through supplementation. Dr. Dean believes in the inherent almost miraculous ability the body has to recover and sustain life if it is given appropriate nutritional and lifestyle support. But, even more importantly, Dr. Dean “leaves no man or woman behind.” As she says, “You can build wellness around any circumstance.” In 2014, Dr. Dean launched RnA ReSet® and brought her integrated approach into her proprietary, unique formulations that give every individual at any stage of wellness or illness the necessary building blocks for sustained health, vitality, and well-being. She began her process by responding to her own need for a highly absorbed form of magnesium and has exceed that formulation with all of her Completement Formulas. Dr. Dean’s helping approach is not limited to her own formulations but is both cross-disciplinary and practical. Her eBook, Future Health Now Encyclopedia, is an example of how Dr. Dean gathers information from several disciplines and weaves that guidance into clinically validated suggestions that an individual can review with their health care practitioner. She continues to educate consumers about their Complementary and Alternative Medical choices in her books, Kindle books, eBooks, seminars, blogs, webinars, YouTube channels, and professional collaborations. To the many who have benefitted by her unswerving dedication to sharing factual, scientifically validated health information, Dr. Dean is a hero and way ahead of her time. She had the foresight to recognize the havoc that sugar and processed foods have on the body back in the 1980’s, when no one else “got it” and nutritional research hadn’t caught up with her viewpoint. Yet, she would guide her patients to improve their diets by replacing sugar and processed foods with the highest quality fresh, seasonal, local food that is available. She continues today what she began back then: advocating for the integration of lifestyle, nutrition, and supplementation with traditional health and recovery strategies for those seeking optimal wellness and longevity.