Kyle Peche

How did I get here? ​ Taking in the beauty of the world before me, I write and lay at the beach in beautiful Malibu, California. Mesmerized by the movement of the ocean, a subtle cooling current of wellbeing flows through me. My mind is quiet, and a sense of peace pervades it. Gratitude fills my heart as I appreciate the moment just as it is. Truly good vibes. ​ Sharp popping colors of the sun and sea where there was once visual snow, depth and life in sounds of the waves & birds where there was once tinnitus, and rich multi-dimensional aromas carried on the wind where there was once no smell at all. Vivid visualizations of the future come to my mind & excite me, and a fire in my belly empowers me to pursue them. I trust my body again. Yet today I came to write about a darker time, so I tap into my memory & transport myself... ​ I was supposed to be in my prime... ​ 18 years old. Athlete. Cute Girlfriend. Ready to go off to college. People telling me I had potential. Outwardly everything ok, but... ​ I was numb. Distant. I felt like I was floating above my body, seeking any distraction to pull me away from a growing pain & exhaustion within me. ​ One day, an intense family event shook me to my core, and my body collapsed. ​ Dozens of debilitating symptoms ruined my life. ​ All of sudden, so many symptoms & dark emotions manifested one after the other ​ Brain fog so bad I often forgot the names of good friends. I was afraid to drive my car, from how disconnected I felt from reality. Terrible food intolerances which limited me to 4-5 food choices. Pooping once a week. Diabolical-farts. Gut health was NOT ok (let's leave it at that.) Skin Issues that made my face look like a red balloon on some days, and as a pale as ghost others. Chronic fatigue that kept me in bed almost all day, despite having so recently been so athletic. I was too exhausted to do even basic tasks around the house, or think about any mildly complex topic. Anxiety. Social anxiety. Anxiety-based anxiety. Felt like my nervous system was going constantly short circuiting, like pouring pancake syrup on a computer. A disconnect from my own authentic personality (referred to as 'Depersonalization'). A non-stop sense of impending doom, with a side of resulting panic attacks. Was I dying? ​ I became completely obsessed with getting well. Every waking hour, it's all I could think about. It began where most people do: seeing doctors. Gastro, endocrine, neuro, you name it. My blood tests and examinations were all normal, so they all dismissed my concerns, recommended random medications, or said it was "all in your head" (classic.) After hitting a dead end with the conventional and racking up thousands of dollars in medical bills, then began the rollercoaster of alternative health paths. ​ Along the way I explored (this is by no means a complete list:) ​​ Obsessing with the gut: gut lining healing, gut-brain axis healing, microbiome testing, probiotics, worked then didn't. Tried every diet: vegetarian, vegan done correctly, paleo, blood type, keto, starch based, you name it. Tens of thousands of dollars of herbs and nutritional supplements Fasting for several days at a time, juice fasting, & one meal a day protocol. Consistent meditation practices Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Many naturopaths & functional medicine practitioners All sorts of antimicrobials, antifungals, & antiparasitics​ Chelation therapy (detox done wrong) ​ I tried "everything," and nothing worked. ​ I had the "This next one is IT, I'm sure of it!" syndrome. Chasing the magic pill, as my dad always told me. The common theme of all these is this cycle of trying something new, feeling better for a short period of time, telling everyone about how amazing this new healing modality is, only to fall right back to where I was or get worse. ​ The worst part of this endless search, besides how it pretty much is like setting your wallet on fire, is the psychological toll it takes: ​ A deep sadness that I had to put my life on pause: Maybe I'd feel ok enough to do things one day, maybe I won't. Drifting from friends, being too sick to have a healthy relationship, and missing countless opportunities because I always felt terrible. A constant worrying about my health: is this little bite of gluten gonna exasperate my symptoms? Will my head explode if I don't take my 20 supplements today? Will I be non-functional if I get 7 hours of sleep instead of 8? A profound frustration that I couldn't be my best: ​​No matter how hard I tried to improve myself or perform at a high level in anything, I always felt blocked. Like the 'unfixable' fatigue & fogginess would never let me excel in life. Like I was always moving through a thick sludge. ​ I started to think: are things always gonna be this way? ​ Will I always dependent on all these supplements/diets/herbs and unable to live a normal life enjoying the many fruits on this world? Can't I just go travel and eat some pizza every now and then without taking 100 supplements? (spoiler alert: yes I eventually could.) ​ The Godsent turning point ​ After hitting the lowest point of my entire journey, I sat and prayed every day for solution. I had learned so much, yet felt like nothing was working. There was nothing I could do anymore. "God, Universe, Holy Spirit, show me the way..." ​ One morning, I forced myself to attend a zoom call with many healers, where fate was waiting for me. I meet a super cool dude with a rare demeanor about him: grounded, witty, & deeply compassionate as though he’s been through 'the fire.' He told me about this "Mineral Balancing" thing. ​ I got hopeful (again). ​ Here was a system that seemed to be the missing piece. After talking to many people who had been healed by this path, and reading some testimonials, I just thought, "ok I'm broke, but I got plenty of time and this system is pretty cheap, maybe I should commit to this path and see where it leads me" 3 months into the full program I started having energy for the first time in a long time. 6 months in I felt stable, symptom-free, and mentally clear. I was out of the woods finally. A year and a half later I was overflowing with energy, filled with ideas & joy, and being mentored to become a practitioner. I then integrated the detox tools I had learned over the years on top of it, and reached new heights. ​ Soon I moved across the country and married my now wife, having gained enough energy to pursue my passions like performing live music and competitive sports again, all while finding exponentially greater success in finances than before. Me in the middle of Chronic Illness: Exhausted, inflamed, depressed, lost, and lonely. Free testosterone of a 70-year old man. Before Mineral Balancing Before Mineral Balancing Me after Detox & Mineral-Balancing: Happiest, most creative, most energetic, and most fulfilled I've ever been. and... married to the love of my life :) Kyle Peche, Mineral-Balancing Practitioner Benefits of Mineral Balancing drums.JPG I began to access states of health I didn't know existed. ​​ Once I got back to "normal," and started to go beyond it, I realized normal is bullshit. The collective "normal" is a often a state of low-grade fog, fatigue, and anxiety even if there's no obvious symptoms. It's a state of capped potential, where a person's deeper gifts, purpose, & brilliance is locked away behind a wall of toxins, parasites, and nutrient imbalances. ​ I found new baselines of performance, lucidity, and emotional well-being that I didn't even know existed. I had many moments crying my eyes out when I realized how much I had been missing out on in my life, before I even got sick. It felt as though I had a full-blown 'awakening' as my brain lit up and I realized deeper truths about my life and the world around me. My body overflowed with energy to create a new life, to carve a new path. Through this work, for the first time in my life, I experienced what "being myself" was like. ​​ The integration of all the tools I learned over the years allowed me to experience:​ Complete elimination of brain fog leading to higher levels of cognitive performance Massive increases in testosterone & sex drive (= happy wife) Complete healing of some old scars & persistent injuries Increased motivation & productivity (almost 10x'ed my income in a year) Deeper and more constant "flow states" (life become one big flow state) Easier time tapping into creativity and spontaneity (more "how the f**k did I just pull that off?" moments in music & sports) Clearer, radiant skin, and more defined facial features Powerful immune system (try me germs, can't handle these T-cells) A furnace of a gut that can digest almost anything (pizza, tacos, you name it: I'm still smiling afterwards. but junk food is most definitely still junk.) Deeper meditations & profound spiritual experiences (real pineal gland decalcification) Healing of repressed emotions & traumas Feelings of joy, vitality, and peace of mind as my new normal ​ Giving back ​ Working on health is a beautiful game: as I continue to invest in my health, it continues to improve my relationships, finances, and ability to follow my purpose. But, as I continue to feel better, I also more deeply feel the sufferings of others who are where I once was. My heart breaks to see all the disempowerment going on in this world: in particular when it comes to health. ​ See, most healing systems today, since they are usually symptom/disease entity based, tend to hook you and keep you coming back for procedures, medications, & supplements; Instead of freeing you from illness and allowing you to thrive without taking anything. Most people also don't think about their health until something breaks, and that's often when they are at the mercy of the medical industry. Then they get milked of all their money as they get pumped full of toxic medications & procedures. Or, they try to figure it all out themselves, bouncing from one healing system/supplement/diet to another wasting ridiculous amounts of money and time in the process, simply due to a lack of mentorship. ​ My intention is to give people a mentorship in self-healing through detoxification & remineralization, which frees them from dependence on any healer, health fad, or belief system. To give guidance when needed until they access the healer within themselves. Above all, it is to help people become sovereign and free, which can only happen if they are healthy.

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