Calvin Scheller
If you don't already know who I am, my name is Calvin Scheller. I fell in love with human physiology at a very young age, after finding out I had a multitude of different genetic predispositions leading me to many endocrine disorders, namely hypothyroidism and hypogonadism. With that being said, due to the lockdown that occurred in recent years, I was capable of dedicating a substantial amount of my time to reading and interpreting the scientific literature about human physiology, nutrition, training, cardiology, endocrinology, neuroscience, and any other health-related outcome you could think of. I was the valedictorian of my graduating class, and am currently studying bioprocess technology. I have always been a high level student, but I have done more research outside of school than most students do in all their years of college. My writings have been published in a few different places, most notably Biohackers magazine. I have also written articles for a few different experts in the field such as Dr. Joey Munoz, Alan Aragon and William Grazione. I have also had the pleasure of chatting with experts in the field including Dr. Scott Stevenson and Dr. Chris Masterjohn, both of which can be found on my YouTube channel! Thank you very much for taking the time to look at my website. If you have questions about your health, send me a private message and I would be happy to on-board you for coaching!