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Ketone IQ (Exogenous Ketone) Shots
Ketone IQ (Exogenous Ketone) Shots
Ketone IQ (Exogenous Ketone) Shots
Ketone IQ (Exogenous Ketone) Shots

Ketone IQ (Exogenous Ketone) Shots

HVMN - Use discount code BLACKBURN to save 20%
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Ancient humans relied on ketones for fuel, not sugar. But due to modern diets and sedentary lifestyles, we often eat more carbs than we need and store the excess. This prevents our bodies from running on ketones, often leading to reduced energy levels, unwanted weight gain, and chronic metabolic diseases.

At H.V.M.N., they believe that the best version of yourself starts with good metabolic health—and ketones are the answer. Working closely with the US military and leading universities, H.V.M.N. has unlocked the benefits of drinkable ketones, allowing you to return to an ancient source of energy, on demand.

Ketone-IQ™️ Shots are the perfect portable drink for a boost of clean energy and focus. Whether you’re headed to the airport, gym, or office, these Shots will keep you fueling your best.

• Conveniently designed for one-time use
• TSA-friendly; fits perfectly in your carry-on
• Bottle size is 2 oz (59 ml); 10g ketones

Matt's Thoughts: These exogenous ketone shots give me an immediate boost in mental focus and obliterate hunger for several hours. They are a great tool to use as someone is transitioning their mitochondria over from sugar burning to fat burning. 

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