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Pure Power Plug-In

$ 209.00 USD

The Satic Pure Power Plug-In is for those in homes or offices with high levels of EMF and EMI, commonly called “dirty electricity”.

The Pure Power Plug-In plugs into any standard 120V outlet to reduce negative harmonics and EMF radiation while increasing efficiency and reducing power costs for common appliances such as refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. One Pure Power Plug-In will filter and condition the power on the circuits on a single phase.  This product is also known as the EMF Eliminator.

Matt's Thoughts:

Dirty electricity (DE) is one of the lowest hanging fruits to pick from when it comes to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) mitigation. There is no denying the legitimate scientific studies showing the deleterious effects that they have on human physiology, including increasing blood sugar and blocking sugar from entering into the cells.  I have been using filters which are basically capacitors from different brands for several years now. After interviewing the founder of this company I was really impressed with how he took what was on the market and upgraded it to a whole new level. The other filters still work but they’re using technology from the 1970s, whereas these are upgrading with the times. The end result is that you get more effective reduction in DE and you don’t need to plug in as many filters as you would with the other brands.

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