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Cod Liver Oil

$ 64.95 USD
  • Pure: Contains 100% naturally occurring nutrients: vitamins A and D, and a full spectrum of omega fatty acids (including EPA and DHA); no synthetic vitamins.
  • Sustainable: Authentic cod are caught hook and line on our own fishing boats in Norway.
  • Unprocessed & raw: Oil is quickly and naturally released — without heat, chemicals or mechanics.
  • Benefits: Supports immunity, vision, reproduction, bone and brain health; may reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin.*

Matt's Thoughts:

This is one supplement that I really feel, especially when it is wintertime and cold outside. My genetics dictate that I have higher vitamin A requirements because I don't convert beta carotene to retinol very well. Combine that with a history of vegetarianism and veganism (zero retinol) and it makes sense why it makes me feel so good. I'd imagine that there are some undiscovered and/or understudied compounds in it too, similar to shilajit.

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