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BiOcean® Pure Marine Plasma

$ 79.00 USD

These triple filtered raw ocean minerals provide numerous benefits:

  • Supports energy metabolism, and is a co-factor in enzymatic reactions.
  • Helps to maintain optimal hydration and acid-base equilibrium.
  • Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  • Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth.
  • Helps to maintain proper muscle function.

These pure ocean minerals are:

  • 100% natural, marine electrolytes, minerals and trace elements
  • Pure Marine Plasma produced under strict pharmaceutical GMPs
  • Full spectrum minerals and trace elements
  • Highly bioavailable ionic elements
  • Triple cold micro-filtered, entirely free of bacteria
  • Packaged in chemically stable, type 1 pharmaceutical glass

Matt's Thoughts:

This is an excellent way to get the necessary chloride into a system that is burning through it at a rapid pace (subclinical hypothyroid state) while also getting magnesium, potassium and a ton of trace minerals. I use a paper towel to break it because its easy to slice your finger open!

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